Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thank You, Joshua!!!

Joshua got me one of these for Christmas (the thing that plays the melody, not the Roland thing). It's a Stylophone!

Thanks, Man!!!

So, dig it...

My pal Joshua from work buys me this cool thing. And then one of my oldest pals in the world, Todd, posts to my blog that he bought me the same thing. How cool?

Todd's links deserve inclusion here:




Unknown said...

I don't know Joshua but I already hate him. Steve, remember how I told you I bought you a present? Guess I have to learn to be ambi-stylophone-dexterous.

Unknown said...

And if you are going to link to Stylophone videos may I suggest these?



Some Guy said...

Todd! Thanks so much! It's funny--when I opened this, the first thing I thought was "Wow, this is something Todd would get me!"

That is soooooo funny.

Thanks, man!