Saturday, December 6, 2008


Music and writing both help me try to understand time. And by understand, I mean the kind of thing you do when you are looking in the 'fridge for something you want but can't find it. And then maybe you forget what you're looking for.

Writing this blog, for example. Nothing much I write here matters very much. That's not a slam on myself--I mean it. It just shows that yesterday I was doing this, and the day before I was doing that. And now I am doing this. This.

Music is similar. I remember making fun of Michael Hedges who, in an interview, talked like a total pothead about how in music you can listen to what you just played, listen to what you are playing now, or listen to what you are about to play. True. I take it back, Michael (you were still probably high off your ass, but hey...).

Right now I am writing at Doc's workbench in the basement; the crappy Fisher throwaway speakers suspended above my head don't sound so bad.

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