Saturday, June 7, 2008

World Up My Ass

It's great to have Aaron with us! Thanks for those cool mixes. You is gonna fit right in here, brother. At any rate, I've put together a couple of short 80s punk mixes for general edification/entertainment/derision/etc.

World Up My Ass:
No More Riots:

To celebrate, below is a good clip of what Black Flag felt like live in the 80s (a couple of the Detroit shows I attended are actually captured on YouTube, but the quality sucks--this performance is from a year or two prior to me seeing them).

I couldn't stop at one mix--mostly because neither one of them breaks 20 minutes! I had to do the second one after I got started: the first mix felt like cheating because all the tracks came from a compilation album. The other one is a mix from tracks I had on separate records or cassettes back in the day.

An historical note: I never called this music "punk" back then. We called it "hardcore," which is now really thought of as a sub-classification of punk (and a couple tracks here don't fit that narrow def, especially the wonderful Australian band The Birthday Party). A fair number of these bands came to Detroit in the early 80s, and there were all-ages shows at places like The Graystone and St. Andrews.

All of these songs found their way onto various cassette "Hardcore Mixes" that I'd play in the car as a teen driver.

Oh, and whenever I get exasperated trying to understand what is going on in a young person's head, I should remember that at 15 I loved the Meatmen song "1 Down 3 To Go" (a song about the Beatles that immediately post-dated the Lennon assassination) at the same time I loved Lennon's Plastic Ono Band.

Can you say "cognitive dissonance," neighbor?


Mix 1: World Up My Ass
  1. Butthole Surfers - Suicide
  2. Circle Jerks - World Up My Ass
  3. Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
  4. Misfits - Sculls
  5. Minutemen - Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs
  6. Dead Kennedys - Religious Vomit*
  7. The Birthday Party - Big Jesus Trash Can
  8. D.O.A. - Fucked Up Baby
  9. Meatmen - 1 Down 3 To Go
  10. Minor Threat - I Don't Want To Hear It
  11. Bad Brains - Joshua's Song**
  12. Black Flag - I Don't Care

* The DK's EP In God We Trust, Inc. was taken away from me at age 14 after my grandfather read the lyrics sheet. I think this verse from "Moral Majority" is what put them over the edge: "Blow it out your ass, Terry Dolan / Blow it out your ass, Phyllis Schlafly / Ram it up your cunt, anita / 'Cos God must be dead if you're alive."

** where was this song when I did "The Name Game" mix? Ah, it's okay... I like the other one I found.

Mix 2: No More Riots
  1. Killjoy - Rich Plastic People
  2. Unaware - Race War
  3. Millions of Dead Cops - The Only Good Cop...
  4. Social Unrest - Their Mistakes
  5. Karnage - The Few, The Proud, The Dead
  6. Bent Nails - No More Riots
  7. Impatient Youth - Praise The Lord & Pass The Ammunition
  8. Dead Kennedys - A Child And His Lawnmower
  9. Chruch Police - The Oven Is My Friend
  10. Captiol Punishment - El Salvador
  11. 7 Seconds - Fuck Your Amerika
  12. Intensified Chaos - Intensified Chaos

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