Monday, June 2, 2008

le sixième défi: poésie de bricolage

G-Fab's Parisian Throwdown: Found Poetry!

The idea for this challenge came to me yesterday while walking around Paris. While I have proposed many mix ideas, you will note that this is the first to make it to official challenge status. My other ideas were either too involved, too esoteric, or just plain not good. I really like this one. The idea is to construct a "found poem" from pieces of song lyrics; time to get funky creating some Po-Mo, PopCult bricolage. I know you will have fun doing this! We can all be artsy and creative. I can't wait to read these poems and listen to the mixes.

Here's a chance for us to marry our interests in writing and music. Simply create a 12-line "found poem" consisting of lyrics from songs you know and/or like. Make up your own rules/method for doing this, but post your final poem as a blog entry. When they are all posted, let's do a slam at the Torch. Oh, and share the tunes in a mixtape, too.

Feel free to make liberal use of online song lyric search engines. My poem will begin with the line "We're not here to get bored" from the Stereolab tune "Heavy Denim." From there I will select 11 additional lines and create a poem/mix.

À bientôt,

P.S. While in Paris, I decided that the city was made for Philip. He's hip, polite, animated, and he smokes! I don't want you to leave Flint, Philip--but you were made for Paris.

P.P.S. Check out the Sziget Festival, which I saw advertized in the Metro. MTC roadtrip to Budapest, anyone?

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