He's listening to a band called The Fiery Furnaces. He recommended this one:

Listening to it now. Great stuff.
Todd's a great pal. I was happy to tell him about Muxtape. It's rare when I can be the one to inform him about a computer thing.
TODD POINTS US HERE. David Byrne never stops being cool.
Anyway, Fiery Furnaces have some fantastic lyrics:
One of those blond ladies had a certain hold on me.
I went to all her seminars by the Airport in the Double Tree.
I even let her use nephew’s seaplane in the Bahamas for free.
But she means nothing to me now.
I tell myself that everyday:
She means nothing to me now.
I tell myself every single day,
I’m quite convinced I escaped her sway.
I burned all my clothes with eucalyptus juice;
Ripped out the floors and painted all the platforms puce;
And I went so far as to sacrifice a second snake to Zeus,
So she means nothing to me now.
I tell myself that everyday:
She means nothing to me now.
I tell myself every single day,
I’m still convinced I escaped her sway.
But when she mopes in the moonlight on her mesa in March,
Does she kick up a thunderstorm
When she thinks of my betrayal?
She means nothing to me now
That's the one David Byrne Covered!
I sure miss you Steve!
We need to get together more! We've been so busy with the kids. Let's make sure we do the dinner thing with the 6 of us. You and I also need to go solo to see a show now and again.
Let's set a goal of doing it once per quarter. Chicago. Cleveland. Detroit. There are tons of bands I'd like to see, and most are not something Kathy would be interested in (our trip to see LCD Soundsystem is a great example).
Miss you, too, man!
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