Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cool Stuff

Okay, I am loving this band Beirut, which Joshua hipped me to recently. Two great videos below: one live in Paris and the other a traditional music video. Love this stuff.

In other news, Jackie is going to help me with some creative writing. I have not done any non-work related writing for several years. In fact, this article I published in The American Organist is the only work I've ever published.

Jackie said she'd help me with my short story about blackmail gone awry on a college campus. She also expressed an interest in helping me with my Guillotine Suicides essay. Perhaps I should create a creative writing blog (I pledged to do a blogging workshop for HS kids later this summer--should be fun; I won't expose them to the guillotine stuff).


Community College Historian said...

The Guillotine Suicides link isn't working--fix it, because the phrase intrigues me :)

Some Guy said...

Link fixed. Not much there, yet.