It's making me feel very old that I was last in Scandanavia 12 years ago. Mind you, I've only been there once before, but "12 years ago" is just too great a distance between now and something I did as an adult.
Here I am having a discussion with Larry Grossberg, who co-edited the CultStuds bible, which came out in 1992. Check out the vintage Esteban here! Pre-LASIK, pre-divorce, pre-union, pre-Ph.D. No hint of irony with that American flag sweater, eh?
And is that also... a mustache?
... and goatee and sideburns. I had this whole "Professor Dirtbag" thing goin' back then.
Later that evening I left a hot communal sauna and jumped into that glacial lake behind me. What a rush!
Don't feel bad or old yet Steve. The last time I was in Scandinavia was when I was 12, not 12 years ago!
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