Monday, February 2, 2009

Everyone Is Okay...

Perhaps it would be a good thing to write out the whole incident. But I frankly just don't have the energy to do that--I've told the story so many times. The only thing that matters is the ending: our kids are fine, I am fine, and we continue to be some of the luckiest people in the world. Maybe I'll come back and write about it after the police report is posted.

Here's the e-mail I sent to my boss:

Everyone is fine now, but the kids and I were in a serious car accident on I-75 yesterday (Kathy wasn't with us in the van). All three of us went to the hospital, but we were discharged last night with minor pains, cuts, and whiplash. We were slowing down for a construction backup and were rear-ended by a car going about 65 mph. Everyone is doing great considering. I'm certain the kids will be going to school on Monday, and I won't need to miss any time at work--again, just whiplash, bumps and bruises. It could have been a whole lot worse.

My main reason for sending the e-mail is to let you know that I might need to do some rental car stuff on Monday morning before I get into the office. Also, I might need to duck out to arrange something with the totalled van--we still don't know where it is right now, as the ambulance took the kids and me away from the scene before it was towed. The van is totally scrap now--the truck that hit us intruded into the rear about 3 feet!

Again, everyone is okay, and I feel very, very fortunate. I just wanted to let you know. See you tomorrow!


GregSteimel said...

I'm not a religious man, so I gotta say: thank engineers!

AJG said...

Glad everyone is okay! I'm a religious man, so I've got no problem thanking God for your and your children's safety!