Because this is a blog about inconsquential stuff that doesn't matter, I won't be writing about my stay here at Norfolk Sentara Genreal Hospital. If my blog had even an informal editorial policy, it would prohibit writing about life and death matters; oblique references would be permitted, I suppose. But the blog is a distraction--something to occupy idle brain cells and document pointless projects. Surely there must be a "pointless" angle to this story.
Oh, I have one. During this morning's drive from Avon, NC I picked up a hitchhiker. This guy had run out of gas and spent the night in the van. No problem believing him--there is absolutely NOTHING on that part of the island. I don't suppose picking up hitchhikers is a good idea anymore; this guy reminded me of The Dude from The Big Lebowski. True, he could have been more like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. But it was damp, and I felt like helping him out.
After I dropped off The Dude in Whalebone, this Oscar Wilde quote came into my head:
"To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune;I was able to get it all in my head, just missed the "may be" and had "can be." How's that for pointless and stupid?
To lose both, looks like carelessness."
--Lady Bracknell, The Importance of Being Earnest
I know what warrants a blog entry. Five Guys.
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