Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tandy TX-1000

When I first started teaching full time back in 1993, none of the faculty had computers on their desks (with the exception of a couple of computer science teachers). So I brought in this TX 1000 that my mom had cast off.

Below is mom's first computer, one of a couple of TRS-80 machines she had in the house circa 1981-82 for her word processing business:

There's one of these currently for sale on eBay for $29 (it's in Michigan, too!). There's also a unit that someone has modified to incorporate a new Pentium computer, keyboard, and monitor. I can't claim that I haven't thought about doing this myself. It looks like way too much work!

You've got to admire the dedication! Or, maybe you don't. Anyhow, my introduction to computers was from my Mom, who had a couple of these babies in the house. In the photo above, you also see a daisy wheel printer, which was loud as f@*k. That thing would shake, rattle, and roll anything it was on. It was a lot nicer than the dot matrix printers of the day.

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