Here's a snap of that shark--need to do some final sanding and shaping. It was a limb that Consumers chopped off during the winter. I dragged it into the basement and let it dry out; then I cut it into a block and let it dry. Once it was dry, Owen and I drew an outline and cut a 2D shape and let it dry more. Then I did some creative removal of material with the bandsaw and went at it with the orbital sander.
The freaky part is that the knots are pretty much where the eyes should be on both sides!
Right now I am listening to "She Lives on a Mountain" by Gorky's Zygotic Mynci. What a gorgeous song! Pet Sounds + Gypsy brass band + Celtic fiddle + freakish alpine love story = pop perfection.
1 comment:
Very cool project to do with your boy, Steve. And not a home-made job, either - looks great!
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