Sunday, January 4, 2009

White J-Bass

Here's me playing with Diatribe back in 1990; that's a Mexican J-Bass with some modifications: a LeoQuann BadAss II bridge, Schaller tuners, chrome pot knobs, and the vintage chrome pickup cover. It was nearly identical to this one:

That's the bass I played in the Diatribe days with the modifications described above. I remember that the tuners and pickups were Christmas presents from Dad & Marti--their pals owned a music store in Canton.

The photo above (a video still from a performance on the local cable channel) also shows my rig from the time: a Peavey MegaBass 400w bi-amped head; MESA/Boogie 1x15 cabinet; Hartke 2x10 cabinet. That Boogie cab was the best sounding bass box ever! I built an exact replica of it and gigged with that for a while, too. But this rig was great.

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