Saturday, January 24, 2009

Funk Filters!

So, why do you buy a $300 JazzBass? Well, to take it apart and mess around with it, of course. One of my favorite things about being a bass player was monkeying with my bass--swapping pickups, putting in new bridges, changing strings (boiling them in vinegar, too), and all that stuff.

Here are stock photos of the current Fender J-Bass re-issues with the chrome covers. My pal Frog used to call them "funk filters" because it made it harder to slap and pop (get it? they filter out the funk); I had the reputation of being a real slap-pop guy, so he'd make fun of me about this. Now that I think of it, Marcus Miller had the neck pickup cover thing on his bass for quite a while. I used it, too.

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