A parishioner of his gave him a little Peavey practice amp; he doesn't play bass, so he's giving it to me. I'm taking that as a sign to get an electric bass once again. But a cheap one. Funny thing, Squier has a model out that pays homage to my beloved '64, right down to the color scheme.

Looks kind of familiar, doesn't it?

Not bad for $300, eh? Besides, I thought it would be a cool project to distress the thing and make it look like a vintage bass.
Update: Fender has a production bass that is inspired by the '64 I used to play. They call it the Fender Jazz '64 NOS ("new old stock"). Street price is $2,500. I sold mine for $1,900 (it was nowhere NEAR stock, though). Gonna get a replica thing for $300. Here's what it will look like, though:

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