Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Part of this is going to be really hard...

This video seemed appropriate for this blog entry:


Today, I was boxing things up in my faculty office and playing "Crosseyed and Painless" pretty loud. I looked up and noticed someone standing in my office door-window. I went to turn the music down, but before I could, I noticed that the guy was dancing. I opened the door.

"Just really liking the music" he said. He looked to be an 18-20 year old kid, standing there with a young woman about his age. I'm going to miss encounters like that one.

A little earlier, a former student named Alando (his nickname is "Smoke") stopped by. He wanted to know why I was moving.

"I'm going to be a dean," I told him, kind of sheepishly. He was full of questions--dean of what, where was my office going to be. I didn't realize that I was downplaying the whole thing until he blurted out, "Oh, you movin' up!" Yeah, I guess so.

I've been bugging Smoke to stop by and give me a chess lesson--he became a very good chess player in prison. I told him to find me in my new office.

"You sure you can have visitors down there?" he asked.

I hope so. I really do.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Ok...the video made me laugh and cry. Please don't RUUUNNNN! The reason you are there is for the dancing student - you won't forget that and that's what makes you "special" (in a good way) haha