Sunday, March 15, 2009

Driving & Details

The Analog Mix has been paused for several days due to the death of the author's mother. As a result, the thematic content here might drift toward death and dying, but all posts should conform to the editorial policy of being random, trite, and inconsequential. As can be imagined, there are aspects of death and loss that are mundane, uninteresting, and unremarkable. I'll write about those here.

After my mother died on Monday, I described what would become the rest of my week as "driving and details." This was an accurate forecast. I will probably write about many of those details here. I also have some ideas for posts, including "G-Fab's Guide To Scattering Cremains." Right now, though, I am happy to be home and looking forward to a boring, normal day of life here in Grand Blanc tomorrow.

As you know, I was out of the office last week due to the illness and death of my mother, Sharon [xxxxx]. My mother died of Acute Interstitial Pneumonitis (AIP), a rare and untreatable lung disease with no known cause; she was 63 years old. I was with my mother when she died, and my younger sister was able to come in from Sweden with her infant son for a small family ceremony. Yesterday, we scattered my mother's ashes in the ocean on Cape Hatteras, where she has lived for the past several years. I wish to thank [xxxxx] for her understanding and flexibility during my mother's illness. I also wish to thank [xxxxx] and [xxxxx] for keeping our department afloat during my absence. Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. I am back in the office starting tomorrow, March 16, 2008.

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