A small miracle is taking place in the next room.
A few months back, our backup hard drive crashed. It's funny--it was the newer of two large external HDs we have here. I've been dumping hundreds of digital photos there for a couple of years. I purchased it when I got our digital video camera thinking that I'd be making all kinds of movies. So anyway, this thing dies and will not come back to life. All the tricks were tried. All the computer friends were consulted. It even spent an entire week in a ziplock bag in my freezer. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
Happily, I had backed up the photos on an internal HD. No lost photos (lots of lost music, but it could be re-ripped or re-purchased). Today it hit us (and by us, I mean Kathy) that we only had one copy of the family photos. It also hit her that we lost on HD in a sudden, gone-forever moment. Backing up those photos suddenly became very important.
So, I purchased a cool
Network 1T drive. It works. I backed up the photos while we were out for the afternoon. This evening before heading to bed I decided to give the old dead HD one last try--who knows, it might spin up--before tossing it in the trash. This is not the first time I have done this. It's been plugged into every computer I have access to several times over a period of several weeks. Still in the Ziplock bag, it got plugged into our PC for one last try.
And, click, click, spin.... the thing started working!
So, I quickly started backing it up onto the new drive. Who knows how long it will stay working, but I am not going to TOUCH the thing until I get everything off, or until it stops working, whichever comes first.
Morning Has BrokenOkay, overnight the entire formerly-dead hard drive got copied to the new Stora. That is soooo coool! I was able to recover 80G of previously lost music. I am a happy camper.