Well, I took my Ph.D. robes to work because I don't have much closet space here at home. For some silly reason, it makes me happy to see them there in my work closet--a reminder that I really am a faculty member deep down inside somewhere.
Came home and found this old analog snapshot of me and Mom at the Breslin Center after I walked in graduation in 2001. My mom was awesome about stuff like this--she even came to see Diatribe at Rick's American Cafe once! She also liked to send me mail addressed to "Dr. and Mrs. Steven Mylastname." Only, she used my last name instead of Mylastname. That's how her dad and mom liked to get mail (despite the fact that Betty was a physician, too!--she just never practiced). Dr. and Mrs. Owen A. Rice.
I had the robes with me because I don't think they're exactly right. A doctoral gown with black velvet is acceptable, but for a Ph.D. you should have Ph.D. blue velvet. I could also have white piping around the blue velvet to signify a Ph.D. in Arts, Letters and Humanities.
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