Well, I think it's official. The WD MyBook, which was affectionately known as the K drive here at home, has died. For a long time, it was the primary digital photo backup. When it died, I still thought it was. Good news: I switched to another HD inside the PC and have most if not all of the family images. They are a tangled box of X-Mas lights, though. Still, they are there to sort through. Better get at it. Gonna really need to go to town on it!
The WD spent a week in the freezer after it failed to respond to more conventional fixes. There's lots of music on there--I sure would like to have it back.
I need to get more methodical about saving and archiving family photos. I am also going through all of mom's photos, and that's difficult, too.
Picasa 3
Okay, downloaded Picasa 3 in an attempt to get these things in order. I've been taking digital snaps since 1998 when Todd encouraged me to lay down $500 on a Kodak digital camera. I've been through a few units since then--a nice Minolta DiMage A1 which I use at work occasionally and this little Sony CyberShot that I am currently using. I have literally thousands of images to sort through. Ugh! Probably need an external HD just for the sorting, and I really need to back up to other media given the WD crash.
1 comment:
I would back up to an online service in addition to one drive at home. That way you pics are likely to survive a natural disaster, or a virus that eats all your attached storage.
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