Here's the Navy PFT Standard for 35-39 year old males. Pretty interesting.
So I have this book You On A Diet, and it told me that a 40 year old man should be able to do 35 push ups. I put the book down and managed to just do that many. Okay.
I read online that any fit person should be able to run a mile in under 6 minutes. I went out and ran a mile in 8:20. After some additional research, I can see that the 6 minute thing is baloney.
Still, I think that running might be the fitness activity for me. I liked it as a kid when my Dad bought that 70s book on running (photo to your left). We ran some races with him, including Emily's race in Detroit and a thing on Mackinac Island called Run Around The Rock.
Pros for Running
- I hate the gym
- Planning routes and stuff is fun for me
- I like to think while I run
- I can do it anytime
- I hate the gym
- My right foot hurts (well, not all the time, and the cyst that was there is gone, and if I wear boots while using a shovel it's fine, so--it's just a little tender place where I used to have plantar fashitis and I have to watch it)
- I don't want to hurt my knees
- That's about it
1 comment:
What if you ran on grass to save your feet/knees. And you turned it into some sort of game. Maybe catching an object thrown by someone else...
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